Come to discover the Ecole de Légèreté of Philip Karl together with Nicolò Ballatore at our training center Fair to Horses in Bleiswijk.
The clinic consists of three days (riders will ride two days on Saturday & Sunday or Sunday & Monday) where you will have a full immersion in the EDL philosophy with individual lessons of about 45-55 minutes. During each lesson Nicolò explains theory concepts to help a better understanding. At the end of the day there is a roundup where you can ask questions. Everybody is welcome with your own horse or a Fair to Horses Horse.
We kindly ask you to send us in an e-mail for the subscription of the clinic where you indicate the age of the horse, what was the life of the horse past and present, what is the main goal of your riding, and indicate eventual main issues you encounter with your horse.
Upcoming clinics
16 & 17 March 2025
15, 16 June 2025
7, 8 September 2025
21, 22 December 2025
Prices of the clinic
Participant: € 320,- for 2 days per participant with your own horse incl. lunch
Participant: € 370,- for two days per participant with a Fair to Horses horse incl. lunch
Observer: € 40,- a day incl. lunch (50% discount for pension clients at FtH)
Stalling: € 30,- a day
Please register via de link.

About Nicolò Ballatore
Nicolò is an Italian horse trainer of the Italian Federation, who embraced the philosophy of Philip Karl more than 20 years ago. Already being a Level III instructor of the Federation, Nicolò became a Level II instructor of the Ecole de Légèreté in 2014. Since he became an instructor of EDL, Nicolò’s primary goal is to teach this philosophy to improve the quality of life of horses and riders. Since he got his degree, Nicolò gets a yearly update during the instructor course in Italy, and he continues growing into EDL.